keep calm and december on…
The holiday insanity is upon us! We’re making our lists, checking them twice, and throwing ourselves into the crazy business of preparing for the holidays. Whichever holiday you celebrate, you know the drill: decorate, shop, wrap, bake, clean, decorate, celebrate, clean, shop, wrap, clean, and on and on. Evidently, some of you declare victory early on (who are you? – we are beyond jealous!), while others scramble until the very last minute (trust us, we understand)!
And if your life is anything like ours, last minute panic sets in almost daily. “Will my boss know I used Chat GPT to get this massive work project done before vacation?, Does my son have any pants that fit for his concert?, Did I remember to thank Aunt Irma for the fruitcake (and NO, I’m not going to tell her that my dog chipped his tooth eating it)?”, and last, but not least, "where the heck am I going to hide the darned elf so my kids don’t cry when it’s in the same spot again???”
Then before we know it, the big day is here! Time to take a step back, relax and enjoy time with family and friends. Chances are good that our “morning game” might be exposed if an unexpected guest pops over early. Which inevitably leads to the most important question of the season, “Is it okay if Grandpa Bernie, or Uncle Buck, or my nephew (who is a dead ringer for Eddie Haskell) sees me in my sleepwear?”
With Cassia, the answer will always be YES! You will be comfortable, supported, and ready for anything. The best gift this season? One less thing to think about.
Happy Holidays!.....and Wake Happy!